- Work From Home Collaboration Solutions - During this time of rapid change and uncertainty, Interactive Audio Visual is here to help you find the tools you need to allow your enterprise to transition from a traditional office environment to be a fully functional remote team. We know that right now, you need to make quick buying decisions, and the number of products and information available can be overwhelming. At IAV, we are experts in audiovisual equipment […]
- COVID-19 Update (March 24, 2020) - Wish to provide you an update on Interactive Audio Visual’s (IAV) status with business operations during this COVID-19 pandemic. We had already initiated recommended best practices by national health professionals, such as social distancing, remote working, sanitization and others. All to help mitigate spreading of the COVID-19 virus. IAV has remained operational during this process. Yesterday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, instituted a mandatory closure of all “non-essential” workplaces. This is […]
- IAV and Covid-19 - Statement: IAV and Covid-19 The situation with respect to COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to be one which changes by the hour. For those whom are personally impacted, directly or indirectly, our hearts go out to you. Interactive Audio Visual (IAV) is following the protocols outlined by Public Health Agency of Canada . The safety of our team members, their families and extended communities is of the upmost importance. It is critical […]
- Lunch N’ Learn - Interactive Audio Visual is hosting an Interactive Lunch N’ Learn featuring products from Barco Projects and Aurora Multimedia. We will be hosting the Lunch N’ Learn on February 22nd, from 11:00am – 1:00pm at our offices at 5459 Canotek Rd, Unit 6. Click here to RSVP
Interactive Audio Visual Receives the SF Marketing 2017 Distinguished Dealer Award - Thank You to SF Marketing and especially Kyle Brown, and of course our numerous clients who had a lot to do with achieving this award.
Top 10 Fastest Growing Integration Firms - We are proud to announce that we have been named one of Commercial Integrator’s Top 10 Fastest Growing Integration Firms. Learn more.
IAV is proud to support the Cumberland Jr Grads, Major Midget B Hockey Team - IAV is proud to support the Cumberland Jr Grads, Major Midget B Hockey Team. We wish them all the luck this season! IAV est fière de supporter l’équipe d’hockey Majeure Midget B , les Jr Grads de Cumberland. Bonne chance ! http://cumberlandminorhockey.ca/
- IAV is proud to support the Clarence Castors, Novice C Hockey Team - IAV is proud to support the Clarence Castors, Novice C Hockey Team. We wish them the best of luck this season! IAV est fière de supporter l’équipe d’hockey Novice C , les Castors de Clarence. Bonne chance! http://clarencehockey.ca/
- We are attending AQQV.org - Interactive Audio Visual will attend and obtain certification from AQAV.org in December 2016. AQAV.org is the industry leading organization which has developed and published Internationally recognized and Infocomm recognized STANDARDS for Audio Visual Quality. We will become one of very few in North America to achieve and promote this Initiative. It will help differentiate Interactive AV plus aid our customers in realizing “Peace of Mind” knowing their systems are designed, […]
Interactive Audio Visual Partners with Polycom - Interactive Audio Visual is proud to announce that we have recently been appointed an authorized dealer for Polycom Communications and Collaboration Solutions. Polycom offers our industry’s most comprehensive array of conferencing and collaborative solutions. Everything from tabletop to fully integrated audio conferencing systems all the way to dedicated fully immersive video/audio conferencing theatres. Video conferencing can be totally integrated, as seen here. Single Screen, dual screen, share your content, collaborate […]