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Video Conferencing

Our world has become focused on speed.

Everyone needs information quickly. Time to get products to market has reduced to meet or beat competition. You need what you need NOW!

As well, you need to do it in a manner which is environmentally effective – be GREEN. Reduce your carbon footprint.

These are real and legitimate pressures facing our business world today. Find ways to improve the speed of business and be more productive, reduce costs to the organization and do so in an environmentally conscious manner.

Enter Video Conferencing

Video conferencing now comes in many different form factors. Everything from dedicated highly immersive environments known as Telepresence Suites all the way to the opposite spectrum of videoconferencing on a mobile device like a cell phone or wireless tablet. There are several steps in between too.

Video Conferencing is about bringing individuals and groups together easily, quickly and provide a platform empowering effective communications.

End Points

Whereas it used to be only dedicated room set-ups, today’s business environment now allows for video conferencing at your desktop, through your telephone system, on mobile carts and so on.

Access to communications in any form wherever you happen to be and when convenient to you.

Video conferencing systems can be a single ‘end point’ for some clients. For other clients it is an entire unified communications environment or “Eco System”. Interactive Audio Visual handles all form factors and infrastructure solutions of video conferencing as an Eco System.

Your entire system management can be set to an almost entirely automated status. Therefore it is simple to access, use and maintain.

As you can see, video conferencing is no longer just one office video chatting with another. It is about enabling communications with individuals and groups worldwide, easily, cost effectively, and reducing an organizations carbon footprint.

The other benefit is reduction of stress on your team members and their families. Instead of travelling the globe to attend meetings, you can videoconference and be productive while still being able to attend your child’s soccer game that evening!


It is now possible to deploy a telepresence suite, a video conferencing equipped boardroom (most common), a portable roll-about system which can be shared amongst teams, or have video conferencing capabilities in the palm of your hand.

In addition, the infrastructure required to join multiple meeting participants from anywhere is now cost effective. Extending distribution of the video conference call can be done easily by means of ‘streaming’ the call. This is efficient for corporate AGM’s, Corporate CEO Presentations, education and training initiatives and the like.

Further, these same meetings can be easily recorded, archived, streamed later or on-demand and the content now becomes a digital asset.

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